/Skill Enter ’/Skill [skill name]’ in the Enter Macro Command box of the Edit Macro Window. You need to enter the exact name of the skill, including spaces, to run the macro properly.
Ex) /Skill Ferocious Strike II
/Use Enter ’/Use [item name]’ accurately in the Enter Macro Command box of the Edit Macro Window.
Ex) /Use Mercenary Canteen
/QuickBar x y z Enter ’/Quickbar [quickbar type] [number of quickbar rows] [quickbar number]’ in the Enter Macro Command box of the Edit Macro Window. The numbers for quickbar types are: Basic Quickbar (1), Alt Quickbar (2), Ctrl Quickbar (3), and Right Quickbar (4).
/Delay Delay is measured in seconds.
EX) / Delay 3 - This will cause the Macro to wait 3 seconds before performing the next item on the script.
/Chatcommand Chat Enter ’/[chat mode] [text]’ in the Enter Macro Command box of the Edit Macro Window.
Ex) /Whisper Hi there!
You can enter [%Yourself], [%Pet], [%Group1~5], [%Pet1~5], [%Target], [%PreviousTarget] and [%TargetofTarget] while in the middle of a chat.
Ex) /Group [%Group1] is really the best
/ ChannelCommand A channel command can be registered to a macro. (Example : /1 Area Channel, /2 Trade Channel, /3 Seek!
/Select %NPCName, %CharacterName Select %NPCName, %CharacterName
You can assign variables to frequently used names by entering /Variable [0~9] [name] in the Enter Macro Command box of the Edit Macro Window.
Ex) /Variable 0 Minor Potion of Life
You can compose macros more easily by registering variables assigned to long names. Assigned variables can be checked in the Variable tab of the Macro Window.
Ex) /Use [#Variable0] - uses a Minor Potion of Life.
/Attack Use to attack selected object or specific NPC in the area.
Ex) /Attack Longnosed Snuffler
You can also use to gather materials which can be very useful.
Ex) /Attack Aria